Fall Classes for ages 9+
Registration Open!
Classes meet 3:30-5pm or from 5-6:30pm and focus on learning specific techniques in order to express individuality.
Old master oil painting, portraiture, textures, collage, pastels, charcoal, animation and illustration are taught as well as mixed media combinations.
Monday: Limited Edition Painting and Drawing
Love to draw? Join us and explore your creative side!
Tuesday: Storyboarding
Create a story line from character creation through plot and design to bring your work to a whole new level!
Wednesday 1 (3:30-5 pm)
Creative Studio Works
Oil painting techniques are mixed with inks and dyes to create artwork in dramatic styles.
Wednesday 2: Advanced Artistry
Advanced class in realism, specifically portraiture. Students may work in the medium of their choice.
Thursday: Confidence in Art
Once our students learn the techniques of the masters the doors are opened to a whirlwind of creatiity. Expect to be amazed!
Friday: Home and Fashion Design
Learn how to create a fashion or home design collection-it’s a lot of fun and a wonderful portfolio builder..